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October 12, 2006 15:19

Of course, we decided to plan it the weekend that everyone else had a ton of things to do. Of course, there weren't a ton of things to do when we planned it, the rest of it just came up later. The girls were off school for 3 days, so we jumped at the opportunity to get in a honeymoon before the 1 year deadline was up. Call it an early anniversary at the same time.

Since the girls were going to need the only reliable vehicle we own that will travel at more than 45 miles an hour, we decided to rent a car. Ended up with a 2006 white Ford Focus. Nice car. It looks small, but has lots of legroom and trunk room. Perfect. Drove down to dallas and stayed 3 days at Maple Manor in Room 213. Not the largest room there, but very nice. Once we got settled in, we decided to just walk down the street and see what we might find to eat. Lo and behold, less than 100 feet away is a Pizza and wine bar. So we ate a large (like 16 inch) pizza, and drank a bottle of wine and strollstaggered back to the hotel to sleep it off.

The next day, we were served breakfast in bed, after which we got dressed and wandered around Dallas a bit. First we hit the Dallas Museum of Art. After wandering around there for a few hours and eating lunch, we did some shopping at more conventional retail haunts like Target and BigLots, then headed back to the hotel to get ready for the night's events. At 6, we went to the Morton H. Myerson Symphony Center to eat dinner at the Opus Restaurant and see the Dallas Symphony Orchestra featuring John Tesh. Great show, and that poor girl who volunteered to receive the basketball will likely never raise her hand for anything again.

Sunday we had no plans til the evening, so we wandered around the Turtle Creek, Highland Park area. Ate lunch at an outdoor mexican cafe, sat in Borders books for a while, wandered through some stores selling stuff which was priced a bit out of our range, and eventually wandered back to the hotel. That night, we ate next door at The Old Warsaw. Very VERY good food, live orchestra duet playing while we ate. 5 courses, and a fishtank with an eel. What more could you ask for. Once again, we walked back to the hotel, went to sleep. Got up the next morning, ate breakfast, cleaned up, and departed.

