The Game

Game #2 is now available!

Welcome to The Game. The purpose of the game is to provide some (hopefully) fun activites that those who visit frequently can participate in. The individual games will be different in complexity and scope, but will generally revolve around events in my online life.

The first game is just a sample run to help me get an idea for formats that work and make sense to people. Don't develop brain hemmorages trying to figure out some of this stuff. Save that for the next game, which I will debut in a few days.

For the first game, you need to find the hidden URL. When you find it, you will be provided with a message that says so. In the meantime, you will have to traverse through many other URL's to get to the correct one. ALL the URL's involved in this game will be located under

If you get stuck, and you probably will, here's a page of clues.

To get started, I will ask my age. I am 28, so to follow through on this, you will go to the URL
Go ahead and try it. Each page will provide a new clue, and upon guessing the answer correctly, you will be able to find the next page, along with another clue. For this game, I will keep the answers limited to single words. The game will also be complete at the time its announced, so you are capable of winning it immediately, assuming you know the answers. Use lower case only and use the numeric forms for numbers.

There are no substanitive prizes, but winners will be announced. Have fun. :)