Instructions for the RC Car Race Contest

This contest is somewhat of a race, except that nobody is racing at the same time. The objective is to find all the markers in the house, and capture those images within the 5 minute time limit allocated for the car lock. The total race time is the time marked between the first capture and the last. Since it's hard to say where the car will be at the start of the race, the pictures can be captured in any order.

The current interface is not optimal, but it will do until I do some recoding. Find a marker in the house. Once you have it clearly in view of the car's camera, click on the Race Capture link, enter your name as the caption, click submit, then track back to the page and continue driving. Right now there won't be any distinction between separate races, but if you're able to get a better time between separate locks, so be it. Everyone will be able to view the race results in the most recent capture first mode. I'm not keeping score or anything right now. This is just for testing.

For this test race, I'm putting up two markers. One is on the wall in the office next to the closet, and the other is on the wall in the bar next to the dining room and kitchen. Here are some pictures:

Don't worry about submitting ideas right now. There are several things I'm working on it improve it as we speak. I'll put out a request for comments on it once the updates are in place. This is just a test run.

This is not easy. It takes practice. Getting it done in the 5 minute lock time period really is a challenge. I might add a closer one to give you a rampup period.