Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 03:38 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 4897828
Total Files 4381882
Total Pages 4406220
Total Visits 933306
Total KBytes 68311457
Total Unique Sites 57081
Total Unique URLs 43291
Total Unique Referrers 2170
Total Unique User Agents 7004
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 6802 24938
Hits per Day 163260 270333
Files per Day 146062 258815
Pages per Day 146874 251598
Sites per Day 1902 17969
Visits per Day 31110 40803
KBytes per Day 2277049 4027803
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 89.47% 4381882
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 126
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.48% 23427
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 7
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.58% 77418
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.09% 4393
Code 403 - Forbidden 1.90% 92926
Code 404 - Not Found 4.31% 211136
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 48
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 507
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 2.16% 105957
Code 504 - Gateway Timeout 0.00% 1

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 159940 3.27% 146373 3.34% 139315 3.16% 30636 3.28% 14654 25.67% 1564016 2.29%
2 170477 3.48% 154591 3.53% 152459 3.46% 30606 3.28% 16009 28.05% 1800639 2.64%
3 175000 3.57% 158979 3.63% 157011 3.56% 34953 3.75% 17969 31.48% 1664494 2.44%
4 162364 3.32% 146299 3.34% 144392 3.28% 31262 3.35% 16696 29.25% 1798581 2.63%
5 147111 3.00% 132952 3.03% 130244 2.96% 33735 3.61% 17159 30.06% 2117373 3.10%
6 169212 3.45% 156479 3.57% 149869 3.40% 40334 4.32% 17396 30.48% 2326778 3.41%
7 189826 3.88% 137089 3.13% 159604 3.62% 31063 3.33% 15772 27.63% 2365227 3.46%
8 178699 3.65% 155476 3.55% 159271 3.61% 28491 3.05% 15910 27.87% 1993257 2.92%
9 157328 3.21% 144418 3.30% 138736 3.15% 24263 2.60% 15783 27.65% 2045788 2.99%
10 270333 5.52% 258815 5.91% 251598 5.71% 35047 3.76% 16970 29.73% 3852810 5.64%
11 222917 4.55% 206570 4.71% 201006 4.56% 35469 3.80% 16512 28.93% 3353078 4.91%
12 183350 3.74% 168478 3.84% 162479 3.69% 34509 3.70% 16149 28.29% 2009098 2.94%
13 143306 2.93% 126730 2.89% 119897 2.72% 25358 2.72% 14880 26.07% 1719208 2.52%
14 157245 3.21% 142564 3.25% 137103 3.11% 25819 2.77% 15004 26.29% 2172351 3.18%
15 158763 3.24% 145583 3.32% 140662 3.19% 27621 2.96% 14038 24.59% 2278204 3.34%
16 156846 3.20% 139141 3.18% 138382 3.14% 32585 3.49% 17090 29.94% 2918550 4.27%
17 164586 3.36% 148309 3.38% 152271 3.46% 40803 4.37% 14429 25.28% 3224425 4.72%
18 165097 3.37% 137088 3.13% 144263 3.27% 36256 3.88% 17706 31.02% 2588855 3.79%
19 194994 3.98% 178376 4.07% 178599 4.05% 39802 4.26% 17421 30.52% 4027803 5.90%
20 135413 2.76% 119824 2.73% 119417 2.71% 32060 3.44% 17186 30.11% 2172294 3.18%
21 153849 3.14% 139899 3.19% 140193 3.18% 27461 2.94% 16617 29.11% 2255249 3.30%
22 172535 3.52% 157671 3.60% 159158 3.61% 35372 3.79% 16344 28.63% 2808389 4.11%
23 186335 3.80% 169870 3.88% 173423 3.94% 40766 4.37% 16715 29.28% 2258220 3.31%
24 147583 3.01% 137081 3.13% 138882 3.15% 28422 3.05% 11013 19.29% 1877133 2.75%
25 125573 2.56% 112458 2.57% 114579 2.60% 27819 2.98% 13023 22.81% 1503305 2.20%
26 83168 1.70% 70044 1.60% 73978 1.68% 17683 1.89% 11756 20.60% 1056926 1.55%
27 108272 2.21% 90800 2.07% 98891 2.24% 17032 1.82% 12026 21.07% 1840458 2.69%
28 188328 3.85% 174111 3.97% 180721 4.10% 32440 3.48% 12308 21.56% 2275795 3.33%
29 129379 2.64% 113141 2.58% 121643 2.76% 30703 3.29% 11635 20.38% 2223438 3.25%
30 139999 2.86% 112673 2.57% 128174 2.91% 31892 3.42% 16235 28.44% 2219717 3.25%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6771 203141 4.15% 5734 172038 3.93% 6114 183444 4.16% 89745 2692354 3.94%
1 6263 187908 3.84% 5655 169654 3.87% 5645 169374 3.84% 86830 2604898 3.81%
2 6160 184822 3.77% 5412 162373 3.71% 5438 163169 3.70% 89311 2679334 3.92%
3 6595 197854 4.04% 5842 175268 4.00% 5907 177236 4.02% 96178 2885350 4.22%
4 6102 183082 3.74% 5597 167919 3.83% 5517 165535 3.76% 93429 2802873 4.10%
5 6426 192783 3.94% 5891 176759 4.03% 5775 173257 3.93% 96367 2891011 4.23%
6 6557 196730 4.02% 5959 178797 4.08% 5925 177761 4.03% 98461 2953815 4.32%
7 6383 191513 3.91% 5919 177587 4.05% 5757 172716 3.92% 94199 2825980 4.14%
8 6924 207724 4.24% 6210 186309 4.25% 6273 188202 4.27% 98975 2969238 4.35%
9 7192 215789 4.41% 6560 196801 4.49% 6506 195187 4.43% 100367 3010996 4.41%
10 6926 207787 4.24% 6251 187530 4.28% 6279 188399 4.28% 93051 2791531 4.09%
11 7030 210922 4.31% 6321 189632 4.33% 6292 188783 4.28% 92550 2776499 4.06%
12 7225 216752 4.43% 6488 194651 4.44% 6478 194357 4.41% 93255 2797659 4.10%
13 6960 208822 4.26% 6405 192168 4.39% 6289 188685 4.28% 92095 2762839 4.04%
14 7440 223205 4.56% 6704 201139 4.59% 6748 202469 4.60% 99694 2990806 4.38%
15 7383 221495 4.52% 6403 192104 4.38% 6667 200039 4.54% 96934 2908021 4.26%
16 7080 212416 4.34% 6431 192943 4.40% 6368 191049 4.34% 98346 2950370 4.32%
17 7100 213007 4.35% 6567 197035 4.50% 6442 193283 4.39% 100626 3018792 4.42%
18 6717 201522 4.11% 6161 184843 4.22% 6073 182219 4.14% 92344 2770310 4.06%
19 6919 207573 4.24% 6308 189240 4.32% 6241 187240 4.25% 100401 3012033 4.41%
20 6554 196631 4.01% 5890 176710 4.03% 5877 176331 4.00% 93846 2815384 4.12%
21 6929 207882 4.24% 6008 180248 4.11% 6028 180851 4.10% 97226 2916794 4.27%
22 7403 222091 4.53% 5753 172594 3.94% 6594 197845 4.49% 94070 2822105 4.13%
23 6212 186377 3.81% 5584 167540 3.82% 5626 168789 3.83% 88749 2662463 3.90%

Top 30 of 43291 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 963246 19.67% 137284 0.20% /
2 726588 14.83% 11183032 16.37% /cgi-bin/dispcaps.cgi
3 505647 10.32% 6663309 9.75% /cgi-bin/newcomments.cgi
4 446162 9.11% 6412345 9.39% /cgi-bin/captcha.cgi
5 380825 7.78% 274 0.00% /cgi-bin/newgetmesgxml2.cgi
6 214036 4.37% 44062 0.06% /cgi-bin/listcamhosts.cgi
7 201045 4.10% 23137609 33.87% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
8 193288 3.95% 110314 0.16% /cgi-bin/getstatexml.cgi
9 108804 2.22% 2306137 3.38% /cgi-bin/pictureindex.cgi
10 88724 1.81% 3626900 5.31% /cgi-bin/visitorpage.cgi
11 61072 1.25% 619053 0.91% /webalizer/
12 54158 1.11% 1171166 1.71% /cgi-bin/printmesgbox.cgi
13 30518 0.62% 66503 0.10% /roundcubemail/
14 26219 0.54% 377364 0.55% /cgi-bin/primary1.cgi
15 22642 0.46% 169600 0.25% /dmi.js
16 19828 0.40% 521 0.00% /empty.html
17 19059 0.39% 252 0.00% /cgi-bin/newlampon.cgi
18 17752 0.36% 64362 0.09% /scroller/scroller8.html
19 12692 0.26% 271372 0.40% /cgi-bin/dispnews.cgi
20 12540 0.26% 1636335 2.40% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
21 10054 0.21% 17674 0.03% /flash_mp3_player/ufo.js
22 8686 0.18% 237 0.00% /robots.txt
23 6674 0.14% 94365 0.14% /cgi-bin/projectpage.cgi
24 6500 0.13% 5247 0.01% /cgi-bin/genfreeze1.cgi
25 6057 0.12% 7250 0.01% /popupmain.shtml
26 5474 0.11% 0 0.00% /cgi-bin/mesg.cgi
27 3550 0.07% 59375 0.09% /cgi-bin/newfaq.cgi
28 1338 0.03% 182 0.00% /addcam.html
29 955 0.02% 112848 0.17% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
30 748 0.02% 96220 0.14% /webalizer/usage_201502.html

Top 10 of 43291 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 201045 4.10% 23137609 33.87% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
2 726588 14.83% 11183032 16.37% /cgi-bin/dispcaps.cgi
3 505647 10.32% 6663309 9.75% /cgi-bin/newcomments.cgi
4 446162 9.11% 6412345 9.39% /cgi-bin/captcha.cgi
5 88724 1.81% 3626900 5.31% /cgi-bin/visitorpage.cgi
6 108804 2.22% 2306137 3.38% /cgi-bin/pictureindex.cgi
7 12540 0.26% 1636335 2.40% /webalizer/usage_201409.html
8 54158 1.11% 1171166 1.71% /cgi-bin/printmesgbox.cgi
9 61072 1.25% 619053 0.91% /webalizer/
10 274 0.01% 590158 0.86% /deeplinks.html

Top 10 of 478 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 726588 14.83% 263043 30.33% /cgi-bin/dispcaps.cgi
2 505647 10.32% 167243 19.28% /cgi-bin/newcomments.cgi
3 446162 9.11% 115263 13.29% /cgi-bin/captcha.cgi
4 193288 3.95% 57786 6.66% /cgi-bin/getstatexml.cgi
5 963246 19.67% 42002 4.84% /
6 88724 1.81% 34027 3.92% /cgi-bin/visitorpage.cgi
7 61072 1.25% 33319 3.84% /webalizer/
8 380825 7.78% 32594 3.76% /cgi-bin/newgetmesgxml2.cgi
9 108804 2.22% 31488 3.63% /cgi-bin/pictureindex.cgi
10 201045 4.10% 16838 1.94% /webalizer/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 490 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 726588 14.83% 262013 30.38% /cgi-bin/dispcaps.cgi
2 505647 10.32% 167401 19.41% /cgi-bin/newcomments.cgi
3 446162 9.11% 115757 13.42% /cgi-bin/captcha.cgi
4 193288 3.95% 60202 6.98% /cgi-bin/getstatexml.cgi
5 380825 7.78% 47352 5.49% /cgi-bin/newgetmesgxml2.cgi
6 61072 1.25% 33836 3.92% /webalizer/
7 108804 2.22% 31780 3.68% /cgi-bin/pictureindex.cgi
8 88724 1.81% 30002 3.48% /cgi-bin/visitorpage.cgi
9 963246 19.67% 25928 3.01% /
10 201045 4.10% 16885 1.96% /webalizer/usage_202409.html

Top 30 of 57081 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 468639 9.57% 468637 10.69% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% localhost
2 79475 1.62% 79475 1.81% 9106343 13.33% 13 0.00%
3 59991 1.22% 59991 1.37% 6933594 10.15% 8 0.00%
4 33635 0.69% 5 0.00% 7152 0.01% 3 0.00%
5 15121 0.31% 14606 0.33% 6072 0.01% 19 0.00%
6 14993 0.31% 14992 0.34% 5855 0.01% 22 0.00%
7 14989 0.31% 14503 0.33% 5299 0.01% 20 0.00%
8 14919 0.30% 14918 0.34% 4525 0.01% 26 0.00%
9 14646 0.30% 14337 0.33% 4260 0.01% 18 0.00%
10 14484 0.30% 14244 0.33% 4144 0.01% 21 0.00%
11 14452 0.30% 14452 0.33% 4039 0.01% 23 0.00%
12 14440 0.29% 14440 0.33% 4152 0.01% 22 0.00%
13 14112 0.29% 14112 0.32% 1666834 2.44% 6 0.00%
14 13878 0.28% 13865 0.32% 8742 0.01% 5 0.00%
15 11567 0.24% 10936 0.25% 3349 0.00% 25 0.00%
16 11509 0.23% 11509 0.26% 3697 0.01% 13 0.00%
17 11323 0.23% 11322 0.26% 4258 0.01% 12 0.00%
18 11314 0.23% 11005 0.25% 3249 0.00% 28 0.00%
19 11302 0.23% 11300 0.26% 3119 0.00% 15 0.00%
20 11167 0.23% 11166 0.25% 3463 0.01% 13 0.00%
21 11155 0.23% 11153 0.25% 3560 0.01% 22 0.00%
22 11096 0.23% 11094 0.25% 3077 0.00% 21 0.00%
23 11066 0.23% 11065 0.25% 3073 0.00% 14 0.00%
24 10973 0.22% 10972 0.25% 3082 0.00% 9 0.00%
25 10962 0.22% 10962 0.25% 3007 0.00% 14 0.00%
26 10938 0.22% 10937 0.25% 3058 0.00% 7 0.00%
27 10845 0.22% 10844 0.25% 3633 0.01% 29 0.00%
28 10695 0.22% 10694 0.24% 3018 0.00% 25 0.00%
29 10568 0.22% 10567 0.24% 2949 0.00% 24 0.00%
30 10460 0.21% 10460 0.24% 2958 0.00% 25 0.00%

Top 10 of 57081 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 79475 1.62% 79475 1.81% 9106343 13.33% 13 0.00%
2 59991 1.22% 59991 1.37% 6933594 10.15% 8 0.00%
3 14112 0.29% 14112 0.32% 1666834 2.44% 6 0.00%
4 3044 0.06% 3044 0.07% 371851 0.54% 55 0.01%
5 1885 0.04% 1885 0.04% 175252 0.26% 1 0.00%
6 120 0.00% 113 0.00% 136669 0.20% 97 0.01%
7 8191 0.17% 7800 0.18% 125335 0.18% 96 0.01%
8 8010 0.16% 7765 0.18% 123573 0.18% 165 0.02%
9 8218 0.17% 8011 0.18% 122578 0.18% 155 0.02%
10 8016 0.16% 7820 0.18% 121460 0.18% 102 0.01%

Top 30 of 2170 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3109974 63.50% - (Direct Request)
2 280204 5.72%
3 179717 3.67%
4 164554 3.36%
5 94859 1.94% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
6 63665 1.30%
7 50569 1.03%
8 48232 0.98%
9 45109 0.92%
10 43316 0.88%
11 36876 0.75%
12 32822 0.67%
13 30779 0.63%
14 29095 0.59%
15 28814 0.59%
16 28746 0.59%
17 26260 0.54%
18 25233 0.52%
19 24119 0.49%
20 22621 0.46%
21 22601 0.46%
22 20618 0.42%
23 19471 0.40%
24 19312 0.39%
25 17205 0.35%
26 16086 0.33%
27 15360 0.31%
28 13764 0.28%
29 12882 0.26%
30 11883 0.24%

Top 4 of 4 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 48 59.26%
2 31 38.27%
3 1 1.23%
4 1 1.23%

Top 15 of 7004 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 540322 11.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 468587 9.57% Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16 (internal dummy connection)
3 440080 8.99% curl/7.29.0
4 337028 6.88% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 287288 5.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
6 219654 4.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
7 211325 4.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 159671 3.26% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
9 157681 3.22% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
10 145804 2.98% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
11 116105 2.37% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
12 110776 2.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0
13 101898 2.08% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
14 90159 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile
15 61898 1.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 30 of 56 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4467547 91.21% 4035744 92.10% 60684725 88.84% Unresolved/Unknown
2 281337 5.74% 241148 5.50% 4113569 6.02% Commercial (com)
3 87243 1.78% 52243 1.19% 869368 1.27% Network (net)
4 30404 0.62% 28345 0.65% 455284 0.67% European Union
5 19871 0.41% 19731 0.45% 1777956 2.60% Germany
6 8455 0.17% 3328 0.08% 374684 0.55% Russian Federation
7 1221 0.02% 487 0.01% 17554 0.03% Non-Profit (org)
8 495 0.01% 492 0.01% 137 0.00% United Kingdom
9 235 0.00% 27 0.00% 167 0.00% United States
10 199 0.00% 12 0.00% 47 0.00% China
11 195 0.00% 195 0.00% 3364 0.00% Norway
12 134 0.00% 61 0.00% 29 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
13 88 0.00% 8 0.00% 19 0.00% Argentina
14 56 0.00% 2 0.00% 13 0.00% Viet Nam
15 44 0.00% 0 0.00% 10 0.00% Lithuania
16 40 0.00% 2 0.00% 91 0.00% India
17 37 0.00% 7 0.00% 9 0.00% Thailand
18 32 0.00% 17 0.00% 6 0.00% Brazil
19 28 0.00% 28 0.00% 3202 0.00% Netherlands
20 25 0.00% 25 0.00% 2658 0.00% Colombia
21 18 0.00% 18 0.00% 2229 0.00% Ecuador
22 16 0.00% 12 0.00% 841 0.00% Indonesia
23 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 1507 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
24 9 0.00% 4 0.00% 483 0.00% Address Routing (arpa)
25 9 0.00% 5 0.00% 474 0.00% Poland
26 8 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.00% Generic Business (biz)
27 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 3 0.00% Italy
28 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 721 0.00% Spain
29 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 709 0.00% St. Helena
30 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 1 0.00% Anguilla

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23